Essay on 'Doctor'


A doctor is a person who cures a sick man of his disease. He is trained in medical science. Doctors specialize in different fields to treat and cure different kinds of health problems. He is immediately recognized by his stethoscope around his neck. He has a small bag also which contains some medicines. A doctor may be a man or a woman. He may work in a hospital or his own clinic. To become a doctor s/he must read on medical science which is a vast subject so it takes years of education.

Essay on 'Doctor', my knowledge to you dude, doctor, operation, operation by doctor, doctors in lab, doctor essay, the doctor, essay on the doctor

The doctor has a busy life. He goes to the hospital or his clinic at a scheduled time, sits in his chair and starts examining the patients. He asks to treat many persons, so he has to stay long. Similar is the case with a door checking his patients. But a doctor who has no roaring practice sits in his clinic waiting for the patients. He is not very busy. A doctor has to visit the sick man even at the dead of night when he has a call. 

A doctor dedicates his life to the service of the patient. The doctor is a very important man, and his service is great. Doctors are considered the most important part of society. He is essential to every society. He is a relief to a diseased person. He cures him of his disease, restores him to health and sometimes gives life to a dying man. Doctors are Life Savior. In this respect, he is next to God. So, he is greatly respected. 

The profession of a doctor is not only honorable but also income giving. That is why most students want to be doctors. Some doctors must be sympathetic and friendly to people. Must of the Nepali students going foreign country to get a medical degree.  It is sad to see the condition of the medical system in the country. The government should take initiatives to improve this condition. Doctors must also act responsibly and maintain the dignity of this profession.

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