Essay on 'Rice'

Rice is a food. It is the main good of the Nepalese. It is obtained from the paddy plant (“Dhaan”). 

Essay on 'Rice', my knowledge to you dude
Paddy is grown by farmers. They dig and plough land. When land is prepared, they sow the seeds. It is done in the rainy season. After some days seedlings sprout. Then the farmers transplant the seedling and take care of them. They remove the grass. Paddy needs standing water. So when the field is dry, the farmer irrigates the plant. After two or three months the paddy ripens. Then it is harvested and separated from the straw. At last the paddy is husked off and rice is prepared. 

Essay on 'Rice', my knowledge to you dude

Rice is our main food. Most people of our country like to eat rice. We prepare several articles of food form it. “Chiura” (Nepali food) is prepared by beating the paddy. Bread is also made from rice flour. Another article of food made from rice is “murhi”. Paddy straw is also very useful.  It is a fodder for the cow, ox and buffalo. Poor people thatch their houses with straw. Mats are also made from straw.

...Thank you

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