Essay on 'An Accindent'

Accidents are very common. They occur because of their carelessness. They cause many injuries. I had also an accident.
In my village, there is a wedding party. Many people gathered at their. I also went. Many people were sitting and many people were standing. Many people were sitting on the roofs of the house. One of the houses was old. Its roof broke.

Essay on 'An Accindent', my knowledge to you dude

As soon as the roof broke, a great uproar arose. People ran. They were seeking their near and dear. Some men ran towards the broken house. Police were called. They began to remove the roof and rescue the peoples who were in that difficulty. After a great effort people were piled out from under the roof. Two men died on the spot. Many people were injured. I had an injury. All the wounded people were rushed to the local hospital.

The hospital was full of men and women. They came to see if the family members had been injured. Many people lamented. Doctors and nurses became busy. I was given blood. I came round after two days. I was very sad after this incidence.

…Thank You…

unsplash-logoDenys Argyriou

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