Essay on 'Child Rights in Nepal'

Children are not always children. They grow up and become adults. Human beings want to enjoy freedom, justice and peace. Children naturally want to enjoy rights. They are ignorant and deserve our love. Children are supposed to enjoy some rights. They are right to shelter, right to food, right to health care, right to education, right to expression, and right to games and so on. Child rights are very important to enhance human dignity and prosperity. Therefore, there should be favorable atmosphere for their development. 

essay on child rights in nepal, child right, family, family love, happy family,
Photo by J carter from Pexels

But there is such favorable atmosphere in our country? Most children live under a lot of do’s and don’ts. When a child do something wrong, he is beaten instead of telling them what is write or what is wrong and the proper way of doing things. There are only few lucky children who get proper environment for their development. There are many uncared, unloved, homeless orphans and children. Even the children who have their parents have to homeless due to some defect or their parents sold them just because of money. It is due to illiteracy. Those children, who don’t have house to live in, consequently sleep on the pavement even in the biting cold without sufficient clothes. 

Children should not be neglected. They are the future of the country or the world. They need proper attention and care. Child rights shouldn’t limit on the book of constitution, it should be implemented by which they can enjoy freedom, justice, freedom and peace along with right to food, shelter, healthcare, education, games and so on. These rights will create suitable environment for their physical and mental development. There are some NGO’s and INGO’s in Nepal that is doing well to the children. Some organization like CWIN, SON, UNDP, UNICEF etc. They provide them with shelter, balance diet, education and healthcare. Those children who are deprived to access child right will supported and received by these organizations. 

The government should completely ban child labor at hotels and factories. At least, primary education should be made compulsory for all the children. Every adult should be responsible for promoting child rights in Nepal. All the legal provisions to stop child labor and to promote human rights should be implemented in practice. Girls do not get proper care and education. This discrimination must be abolished. We should bear in mind that every great man was once a child. Today’s children may me tomorrow great politician, administration, teaches, doctors, engineers, technicians and so on. Thus, children are the future of the world so don’t hate them, be kind to them and love them.

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