Essay on 'If I Were A Headmaster'

The success or failure of a school depends of a school depends on the headmaster. If he is able and takes interest in his duties, thew school succeeds and if he does not care for his duties, the school fails. I am shocked to see that most schools do not function well due to the lack of competent headmasters.

If I were a headmaster, I would dedicate myself to the progress of the school and multi-sided development of the students. So first of all, I would appoint competent and zealous teacher and seek their full co-operation. They would teach students efficiently and give me good good advice, which I would value.

Secondly, I would keep all kinds of teaching materials like maps, chart, globes, audio-video aids, science apparatus, a well equipped library and so on. These things will not only attract students but also make teaching and learning interesting and effective. 

Essay on 'If I Were A Headmaster', if i were a headmaster, my knowledge to you dued

A grave problem that school generally face is indiscipline. Student becomes irregular inattentive to their studies, and irresponsible. I would make them follow discipline. The breakers of discipline will be severely punished. Unless students are disciplined, the progress of the school is difficult.

I would make games compulsory. Every students will have to partake in the school games. Games will teach students qualities like cooperation, obedience and team spirit and will keep them in good health.

In addition to these things, I would start literary clubs, teachers welfare association, debating society, educational tours etc. They will increase students knowledge, intelligence and remove their shyness.

I am sure that introduction and continue of these things will lead the school to all round development.

...Thank You...

unsplash-logoVasily Koloda

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