Essay on 'My Aim in Life'

"Aim for the sky, but move slowly, enjoying every step along the way. It is all those little steps that make the journey complete."                                                                                       - Chanda Kochhar

Essay on 'My Aim in Life', my knowledge to you dude

"The aim of education is the knowledge, not of facts, but of values."                                                          -William S. Burroughs

Essay on 'My Aim in Life'

Every person on this earth has an aim in life. Some decide on it very early in life, while some are able to decide only later. It is very difficult to choose a goal for life, when one is young. Also, we tend to change our minds as we grow up.

If you ask me what my aims in life are, I shall reply that I have three aims. One person may have several aims. I think everybody has these desires/aims. 

My first aim is to have a happy family life. For this I must earn an income that must be sufficient for food, clothes, shelter, health and education. I want to provide these essential or fundamental things sufficiently to my family so that they are satisfied. 

My second aim is to lead an honorable life. I hate to fight or quarrel with anybody, or to take advantage of people’s weakness. For the purpose of honorable life, I shall keep myself far away from these evils and lead a clean, honest and pure life. 

My third aim is to do social service. Our society has a number of evils such as superstition, fatalism, conservatism, and so on. All these evils are the result of illiteracy. My aim is to educate the people to abolish (terminate/end/finish) their ignorance. I want to bring change in their outlook and broaden (expand/spread) their mind.

I know I will have to work very hard to achieve my ambition in life. I may even have to sacrifice many things for my goal. But I am prepared to do that. The biggest reward for me will be the day I can do something to make this world a better place to live in.

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